*These are some tips I have collected from numerous articles for beginner models and on imagery in advertising when I was working on my portfolio. I do not thoroughly follow them in the present days, but they are still relevant. Unfortunately, I did not save the resources*
Here we go …
Images are persuasion tools, a good image will help to convey information about your business and persuade your audience. Your image should support the tone of your marketing message and clearly depict what you are selling.
Before you start thinking about imagery, first decide what message you want to convey, and then pick images accordingly. Do not do this in reverse. Next, match the tone of your message. For example, if you are sending out an email promotion with a limited time offer, pair your copy with a congruent image that creates urgency and reinforces that message (like, say, a ticking clock).
Think about the colours. Do not just look at the object in the image. Warm colours are considered to be inviting, fun, and energetic. Cool colours connote calmness and trust.
Strike the balance. The image should be interesting to look at, but should not overpower the copy.Your pics, ad’s headline, and text need to work together to tell a cohesive story. Take a look at the composition of the image and ask yourself if it is a well-balanced composition?
Publishing Your Escort Portfolio
Localize your imagery. Make it feel authentic. Localization means tailoring your content appropriately based on specific geographic markets.
Keep copy to less than 20%. Reduce the amount of text overlay and keep it to a minimum. Do not include more than 20% text, or else it will appear cluttered and confusing.
Different marketing channels need different types of images. With email campaigns, you are trying to (re)engage customers, so the images should convey a specific mood and encourage them to take a specific action. Images that are busy and crowded will not work well for banner ads.
Use your focus keyphrase in the image file name. You want Google to know what the image is about without even looking at it.
Scale for image SEO. The faster the site, the easier it is to visit an index page. Reduce file size.The next step in image SEO should be to make sure that scaled image is compressed so it is served in the smallest file size possible. Use tinypng.com or compressjpeg.com
Use responsive images. Responsive image is an image that looks best on a smartphone. Cut everything that distracts the viewer from the main subject.
Now your image is ready to use, but do not just throw it into your article anywhere. As mentioned earlier, adding it close to related textual content helps a lot. It makes sure the text is as relevant to the image as the image is to the text.
SEO for Escort Images
Captions. The image caption is the text that accompanies the image on the page. Why are captions important for image SEO? Because people use them when scanning an article. Think about the visitor first, and do not add a caption just for image SEO.
Alt text and titletext. The alternative text ensures that no information or functionality is lost. Be sure to add alt text to every image you use, and make sure the alt text includes the SEO keyword for that page. Describe what is in the image so both search engines and people can make sense of it.
Artfully place the image and the text together in a visually pleasing way. In modern advertising the image stands out as the focal point of the ad. Since the 1930s, American advertising has embraced the use of large images accompanied by a few simple lines of text.
Change your image for its audience. Focus on creating an instant reaction. Your goal for online ads is to encourage people to click on your ad and drive traffic to your website.You may choose to brighten the colors and/or set the image on a white background. The image will do almost all of the work, so ensure that it is clear and creative enough to catch people’s attention.
Cater to a slightly older demographic? Focus on creating an elegant composition.
Colours in Photos for Escort Advertising
The right colour can make a huge difference in the way potential customers perceive your brand, but more importantly, how easily they can remember your brand.
Choosing the right dominant colour for your brand is crucial. This colour should appear on all your promotional materials. As much as possible, the colour you choose should set you apart, work with your industry and image, and tie to your brand promise.
Warm colours send an outgoing, energetic message; cool colours are calmer and reserved. However, brightening a cool colour increases its vibrancy and reduces its reserve.
Blue. Stands for being “trustworthy, dependable, fiscally responsible, and secure”. Strongly associated with the sky and sea, blue is serene and universally well-liked.
Yellow. In every society, yellow is associated with the sun. The eye sees bright yellows before any other colour.
Orange. Orange is often referred to as a “friendly” colour, evokes exuberance, fun and vitality. A subtler, peachy shade of orange tends to appeal to an upscale market.
Red. Red activates your pituitary gland, increasing your heart rate and causing you to breathe more rapidly. Aggressive, energetic, provocative and attention-grabbing,symbolizing excitement and passion.
Green. Green is the easiest colour for the eyes to process and brings to mind health, freshness, serenity and of course, money. Deeper greens are associated with wealth or prestige, while light greens are calming.
Purple. Purple is a colour favored by creative types (targets millennials and a niche audience ready to consume imaginative content).
Pink. Pink’s message varies by intensity. It can evoke feelings of fun and youthfulness, while lighter shades are more romantic and delicate. Dusty pinks appear sentimental (millennial-focused ads).
Brown.This earthy colour conveys simplicity, durability and stability. Certain shades of brown, like terracotta, can convey an upscale look.
Black. Black means business and luxury, works well for expensive products.Conveys drama, sophistication, and a hint of status. It is serious, bold, powerful and classic. Line of luxury vehicles called Uber Black, so that customers do not have to step out of a yellow cab when attending that fancy dinner party. American Express’ Centurion card, aka the Black Card, is the ultimate status credit card for the wealthy.
White. When you use white you are telling people you have nothing to hide. It does not come off as disposable and is pure and quiet, gives a sense of transparency and cleanliness.
Arranging Your Escort Portfolio
You should ideally not even be considering yourself as a professional Escort Companion before you have a properly done portfolio in place. As an aspiring Escort, you need an amazing portfolio to kickstart your career. It is your chance to make a great first impression on agencies and clients.
A great portfolio is NOT a bunch of pictures that show how pretty, handsome, and sexy you are. In short, the Escort portfolio is not about YOU, it is about what /who you can be. Make your portfolio not about yourself, make it about your ability to help a client meet the service he is looking for. Appearance requirements vary with the type of job. Be an attractive example of desired demographic.
Mind that you are only as good as the worst image in your portfolio. Clients will remember your worst image more than your best one. Just because you think it is really creative, that does not mean that it belongs in your portfolio.
Focus on the type of Companion you want to be – THE MESSAGE. It will bring clarity and focus on how you want to shape your portfolio. As a Girl Next Door Companion you need a lot of variations in your shots, but as a High-End Companion, you need to focus on the sense of luxury in your images.
Anyway, most of Escort photos can relate to Glamour Modeling which is usually more sexually suggestive or alluring than what a Fashion Model would do and typically geared toward male audiences rather than female.
What Is a Glamour Model? A Glamour Model’s job is to make the reader lust after her (and that is what you want from your potential clients). She is sensual and alluring. Create a decent level of confidence needed to seduce the camera, command attention and an inviting fantasy for clients.
And, just like every type of Escort, you must also be professional, outgoing, punctual, hardworking, and motivated.
Remember, your personality is more important than an exact body type or look. Since Companionship requires interacting with many people, it is important to be outgoing and has a sunny disposition.
Practice posing. Whether it is binge-watching season upon season of America’s Next TopModel, scanning the pages of Vogue, watching YouTube tutorials, reading modeling books,or finding a favorite model to emulate, just do your homework.
Professional hair and make-up. Pick out your clothing for the shoot. It is important to realize that the purpose of your portfolio is to sell you. Eliminate anything that distracts from that purpose. Keep your clothing simple and basic. You should stick with solid colors. Prints, patterns, and florals are a horrible idea as they will take attention away from you (unless it is a part of your brand).
Prepare to demonstrate versatility. Having a number of looks suited to the type of Companionship for which you are suited is essential. Be sure that your portfolio contains a selection of pictures that show you at your best, show your range of emotions and your ability to put on different characters.
Maintain your looks. Escorts are healthy, attractive people who take care of their bodies and look their best at all times. The day before the shoot, make sure you get a good night sleep and stay away from alcohol. Have your outfits ready. Showcase your confidence and charm. You want your pictures to capture the essence of what you can bring as an Escort. Don’t be afraid to show off.
Choosing Escort Portfolio Shots
Less is more. Choose 7-12 (NEVER more than 20) photographs. Quality matters more than quantity.
Do not choose multiple images in the same pose, outfit or location. Include images of you in different lighting, for example, indoors and outdoors. Pic absolutely the best of the best images that cover all your facets.
Select: head-shots with and without you smiling (in case, you show your face), full-length shots, 3/4 length shots, sitting or lying, back/front. Equally balance photos that represent your versatility/quality (for example, a real-life photo of you playing piano/a professional shot from a hotel room), outdoor/indoor, balance white/black/red/yellow tones.
It is okay if you have one or two black and white photos in your portfolio to help add an additional dimension to your book.
Your portfolio needs to show examples of you looking like the kinds of characters that you are likely to be hired to portray. (“She can be suitable for….”). Clients would still rather see photographs that prove the Companion is believable at those styles.
Arrange your photos for publishing. When a potential client opens your profile you want to wow them from beginning to end.
Accordingly, include 2 of your best pictures and selfies.
Update your portfolio. As you get jobs and gain experience, add this to your portfolio. These demonstrate your success.
Enlist friends to help you out. Ask their opinion.
Include a profile page. Include Important information about you, types of work you’re willing to do, your statistics: your height, weight, hair and eye color, and any relevant skills you have (knowing a sport, or a musical instrument). This is a way of showing that you have a skill that other people don’t usually have and it can get you a job that requires this skill.
Good luck!
xo Claire